Amanda + Dylan

  1. Larissa says:

    What a sweet first touch moment you captured! Love them all!

  2. Cara says:

    Totally in love with that photo in the tunnel. Great work girl!

  3. Justyna says:

    Beautiful set of frames they will treasure forever!

  4. Ashley says:

    This looks like a super fun wedding! Congrats on the new addition!

  5. Ali Horner says:

    Love the golfing shots! Looks like such a fun carefree couple.

  6. Melissa Johnson says:

    Such a gorgeous day!! Your detail shots are incredible!!

  7. rschrepel says:

    Thank you Melissa!! Appreciate you!

  8. rschrepel says:

    They were SO fun to work with!!

  9. rschrepel says:

    Thank you Ashley! They are so excited!!

  10. rschrepel says:

    Thank you Justyna!! Appreciate that!!

  11. rschrepel says:

    Thank you Cara! Appreciate you!!

  12. rschrepel says:

    Thank you Larissa!! Her laugh is contagious and fun to be around!! Those tears get me every time!!